Classic yachts designed before 1970 are invited to join the regatta, including:
Cruisers & Racers
Affordable Classic Cruisers around 25ft
Day Boats & Raters
Classic Metre Yachts
Modern Spirit of Tradition Yachts
Non-racing Yachts and Motorboats are most welcome.
Entries will also be accepted,at the Organisers discretion, from boats of GRP construction designed before 1971 with classic styling and traditional long deep keels.
Other classes may be added depending on demand. Please contact us for more details.
Racing will be conducted by the Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club. The intention is for Cruisers and Cruiser Racers, Metre Yachts, Affordable Classic Cruisers and Day Boats and Modern Spirit of Tradition yachts to race to IRC handicaps. Gaff rigged yachts and Pilot Cutters according to OGA Handicaps
More information about how to apply for an OGA Handicap is available in the Racing section of the website.